Give a Child the Bilingual Edge

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Are you looking for a way to teach young children English, French or Spanish using high-quality resources and methodology?

The Tales of Arthur the Elf has been created by a teacher for both teachers and parents to immerse children in language learning from an early age. The programme was designed to provide creative and imaginative language learning materials to ignite a child’s passion for learning a second language.

The picture storybooks (with audio), picture role play books (with audio), and activity book offer children a fun and engaging way to learn a new language through a value-for-money subscription platform.

Why should you subscribe to this language learning programme?

The Programme

Learning with stories is immensely powerful. See here for really understanding why this is so. We also know that children who develop a love for reading in the early years excel in their education, not just in literacy, but across the curriculum. Children of this age absorb information easily as their neural pathways are developing. Their minds aren’t yet dividing learning by categories.

However, where we are falling short is moving this understanding over in to foreign language learning. Learning and teaching resources often fall short in realising that our youngest learners need a holistic approach without segmenting the curriculum. Young children gather skills quickly across a whole raft of learning – from literacy to maths, cultural awareness to language, and writing skills to cognitive development – all at the same time. They do this most powerfully through story-telling.

The Tales of Arthur the Elf is about delivering MFL resources focused on learning a second language in English, French, Spanish, Italian or German, whilst also nurturing and developing the whole child’s development.

This magic is worked through teaching resources which take children on a magical adventure with lovable characters.

A Little Taster

Arthur the Elf-Learn & Play, introduces children to the mystical world of Lutinia and their story-telling bard Arthur. Arthur introduces young learners to three wonderful children, Edward, Henry and Anne, who begin their many adventures. These children work together to solve conundrums.

The child learner easily dives in to this enjoyable experience where story-telling is given centre-stage. However, intrinsically woven in to the content of the stories are other learning objectives.

Without straying from the power of story-telling the child will learn new vocabulary for introducing themselves and their family. They will learn colour recognition, counting to 10 and number recognition, describing the rooms in a house and more. Through all this learning is a problem-solving approach.

To find out more about Arthur the Elf – Learn & Play, please click here.

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