Category: Learn French

Give a Child the Bilingual Edge

Are you looking for a way to teach young children English, French or Spanish using high-quality resources and methodology? The Tales of Arthur the Elf has been created by a teacher for both teachers and parents to immerse children in language learning from an early age. The programme was designed to provide creative and imaginative […]

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The Tales of Arthur the Elf – A Unique Language Programme for Children

What if you could embrace the core elements of a complete immersion method of language learning? What if you could do this without being multilingual yourself? What if you could teach young children a second language whilst also supporting a much broader approach to their development, beyond language alone? Well, you can. The Tales of […]

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Primary School at PC

The Benefits of Learning a Second Language in the Early Years & Primary

If you learned a second language at school, what can you remember? Chances are, if you embarked on learning a foreign language, like many at late primary or early secondary age, and haven’t gone on to use that language regularly, you’ve lost it. The benefits were limited to the language itself, for the time you […]

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Why Do Young Children Reach Fluency in a Second Language with Ease?

Young children are said to be like sponges. They absorb information and learning from the world around them with seemingly unrivalled ability. It follows, therefore, that they will be able to reach fluency in a second language much more easily than older children, and certainly adults. In fact, there’s a definite window in childhood when […]

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Stories Can Build Vital Problem Solving Skills in the Early Years

Life is a series of problems to be solved. We don’t mean this in a doom and gloom way, rather that our daily lives are a series of multiple small challenges which we automatically solve using our refined problem solving skills. In fact, our ability to problem solve is so automatic that we don’t even […]

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School Children in Class

The Power of Learning through Stories in the Early Years

Pick up that toy cup of tea to be shared with teddy, make music with your voice as you become a character from a child’s favourite story, and you can be forgiven for thinking you’re doing nothing but having fun. Yet in these actions – story-telling and role-play games– you’re accessing immensely powerful learning tools. […]

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